There’s been a lot of speculation about Rob’s wooly bear look. I have to admit, when I first saw the full fledged beard plus flavor saver in the paparazzi pictures that came out around Christmas, I thought he was living la vida loca and had stopped shaving, working out, waking up before noon, and eating fruits/vegetables.
But the more research I do on Paris in the 19th century, the more I think that the facial hair is just Rob getting into character. Plus, the longer the hair is, the more the costume peeps have to work with to try out different 19th century looks.
I feel like this post needs a John Denver “Country Boy” song. Never fear, I don’t own any John Denver music. But just know that “mountain mama, take me home, country roads” is going through my mind cuz Rob looks like he could be making moonshine in the shack out back of his West Virginia country cabin.
I’ve seen a few vintage pictures of Parisian fashion while googling for Bel Ami info. Rarely do the men NOT have facial hair. Mustaches, oddly-shaped beards, and sideburns seemed to be fashionable. SOOOO if you like your Rob freshly shaved, better brace yourself – you have a year or so to get over it.
Important note — nowhere in the script does it mention that Rob’s character Georges has a mustache or facial hair for that matter. At least not in the version I saw. However, as I stated before, it was a sign of the times.
But I digress…
Check belamifilm.com for more
I really hope he doesn't have to wear all that face fuzz thru the movie. He shouldn't be hiding that chiselled jawline and that oh so gorgeous face with all that face fur!!!!