Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kristen Stewart’s Trip to Budapest: The Wrong Version

Whenever HollywoodLife claims to have “exclusive details,” Gossip Cop feels a shiver while local animals, sensing that something’s amiss, race for higher ground.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s recent reunion in Budapest got a lot of buzz, so you just knew the site would hop on the bandwagon… and drive it straight into a ditch.

“The hardworking couple have been separated by the demands of their thriving careers,” explains HollywoodLife, which carefully avoids the demands of actual reporting.

So what has the site “learned” exclusively?

According to HollywoodLife, Stewart had a party for her twentieth birthday “for about 20 friends and family” in the Hollywood Hills on Friday, April 9. Then the actress “hopped on a plan (sic) to REALLY celebrate with the love of her life” in Budapest.


Stewart was not in Los Angeles on Friday. We’re not sure where HollywoodLife got its information (the site conveniently leaves out that detail), but Stewart was in Budapest already. Multiple sightings and reports placed her there before Friday, April 9.

Oh, and HollywoodLife’s version of events also makes no sense logically.

Let’s say Stewart left her own Hollywood Hills “party” on Friday as early as 11:00PM Pacific. That’s 8:00AM Saturday in Budapest.

Assuming the plane took off immediately from the top of a Hollywood Hills home, it would be about fourteen and a half hours to get to Budapest (on a direct flight).

But Gossip Cop is going to be generous.

We’ll assume the magical HollywoodLife airplane made the journey in 13 hours, and we’ll chalk it up to good “tail wind” (a phrase that sums up this story).

That would mean Stewart arrived in Budapest at 9:00 PM on Saturday night.

Oh, wait, when did Stewart leave Budapest?

On Sunday.

There are even some photos you may have heard about. And just to be sure, Gossip Cop confirmed with the photo agency. Pattinson and Stewart were at the airport for departure from Budapest on Sunday.

So, if you believe HollywoodLife’s account, Stewart flew from Los Angeles to Hungary, spent the night, and then immediately turned around.


Actually, this deserves to be bolded.


HollywoodLife has had unfortunate Robsten air travel moments before, but we think the bar has now been somehow lowered.

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