Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pierce Brosnan Talks About Rob To The Herald.ie

BYRNE: You co-star with Robert Pattinson in Remember Me and with Carey Mulligan in The Greatest, both hot young stars. Coincidence, or are you keen to get down with the kids?

BROSNAN: I think both Robert and Carey are exceptional when it comes to young actors, in that they’re more than just pin-ups or flavours of the month. You can sense in both of them a strong desire to do good work. I don’t think either one is trying to get by on their looks; they’re both looking for work that’s a little more challenging than that. And it’s always a wonderful feeling, being around people who are completely in love with what they’re doing.

BYRNE: Having lived with fame for quite some time now, did you have any advice for the beleaguered young Robert when it came to dealing with all those screaming teens?
BROSNAN: I think Robert knows that there’s very little he can do right now except put the head down and work. It’s not exactly fun, having that kind of crazed attention. It might be flattering at first, but the novelty soon wears off.

Full interview here
via pattinsonlife

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