Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sara Gruen, Author of Water For Elephants, Talks about Rob

Were you poking yourself when “Water for Elephants” was contracted to become a movie, and when some little actors by the names of Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon agreed to be in it?

I have to stop and pause and knock on wood right now. The closer it comes to being real, the more superstitious I get. It’s Hollywood. It can all go poof, still. Things are looking as good as they can.

Are you involved with the project at all?

They’re letting us have the whole family in it as a cameo. I think we’re all going to be on in the midway or something. My kids are really excited about that, and I am, too, because that sounds like so much fun. I asked (the producers), and they said sure. So we’ll be in the background in a restaurant or on the midway and be a fast thing (on screen), but we’ll know where it is and the kids will be excited.

What do the three kids think now about mom’s career? Did the cinema thing raise your stature in their eyes?

No. I think the Robert Pattinson thing raised the stature of my oldest child in the school because all the girls are crazy about him. My 9-year-old asks me every time I get back from a book signing if I wrote a new book. He thinks I write a book a day. He has no concept of what I do.
source  via pattinsonlife

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