Thnks to jessicarathbone
Translation(Thnks to sari via RPLife )
What would you do if someone gave you a phone number to call Robert Pattinson? I was crazy excited. Between hundreds of magazines in all of Latin America, only Seventeen had the privilege to have an intimate chat with the hottest guy of the moment. And I was the one chosen to do the interview!
Before calling, I went over the questions and practiced a few expressions to sound completely cool and relaxed, as if speaking with him would be the most natural thing in the world. I tried to forget the fact that he’s one of the most popular celebrities of the world, that millions of girls are crazy in love with him, that only his smile can cause millions of his fans to scream hysterically, not to mention his stare, between melancholy and seductive.
I went over what I knew of him. After portraying Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, they called him to audition as Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga, and he stole the role in an instant. A few months ago I saw Remember Me, a film he starred in with Emilie de Ravin and these days he’s filming Bel Ami with Uma Thurman. And of course, the 1st of July everywhere, the 3rd film of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will be released. With respect to his personality, they day he has a great sense of humor, but you have to be very careful to know how to interpret his acid jokes, typically English. They also say that he’s very reserved and prefers silence than to speak too much. Okay, I am ready to call and have a cool and interesting chat. Rob is in the room of a hotel in Los Angeles waiting for the phone to ring. One more time I go over mentally what adequate words to say to sound confident and natural. I dial. It’s the 5 longest rings of my life and suddenly I hear a “Hello”. And I can’t help it, his voice is so seductive like his image, I forget about my plans and I give in completely to an intimate and super exclusive chat with the sexiest man on earth.
17: It’s incredible to be talking to you! Thank you for the interview.
Rob: Wow, that’s really sweet.
17: How did you live the experience of the Twilight Saga?
Rob: It was great, I mean, an unexpected experience. 3 years ago I would never have imagined what would be happening in my life this moment. I am incredibly busy all the time, traveling all over the world. It’s wonderful!
17: Kristen is a very passionate actress. What’s it like working with her?
Rob: Kristen has always been great, I mean in a professional way. I think we have similar attitudes at work. I mean in a way that we both approach acting and the scripts and everything having to do with a film, you know, we both take things very seriously. It all has to do with how far you want to go to have a long and good work relationship.
17: You had many action scenes in Eclipse, did you have any that were particularly complicated to do?
Rob: Ummm… The most difficult scene, I believe was the fight scene. There is a great big fight at the end of the film. The set we were filming in was full of artificial snow and that snow was made out of paper and suddenly it got wet and the whole floor was incredibly slippery, it’s worse than real snow! So after awhile it became terribly difficult to work there.
17: What was the best lesson that Edward has shown you?
Rob: Something similar my dad once told me, to be a good person with everyone when you’re becoming successful, so that when you stop doing it, the same people will still be good to you. I think it’s something good.
17: The best about being an actor is…
Rob: I think the daily job, in where to interpret a character you can do a whole extensive research on whatever material that you feel will help. Anything! You can listen to music, enjoy art, read a few books or simply study people. I think it’s the only job that can allow you to do all of these things.
17: Is there any phrase that you live by?
Rob: Ummm, no, in reality I don’t have any, but I try to understand everything and everyone, I believe in that.
17: What advice would you have liked someone to give you when you were a teenager?
Rob: I can’t think of anything right now, nothing comes up.
17: What has been the most extreme moment that you’ve had with fans?
Rob: One of the most extreme experiences I’ve had was probably when we went with the cast of Twilight to Mexico City. We were trying to get out of the cinema in which they were playing the first film of the saga. There were hundreds of girls outside and one of them opened the door of our car, we couldn’t close it, and the driver just drove off without closing the door, I think that in the end it was fun, but very extreme.
17: What would be surprising for your fans to know about you?
Rob: I don’t know, probably nothing (laughs), that I’m not a vampire.
17: Is there any characteristic that you share with your character, Edward?
Rob: One of the main things that we have in common is that Edward doesn’t have the necessity to express himself with words. Actions show more than what you have to say. I think he and I share that characteristic. I try not to say much.
17: If you could have Edward Cullen’s powers for one day, what would you do?
Rob: Um, I don’t know. Probably spend all day climbing and jumping the highest buildings.
17: What kind of things keep you grounded?
Rob: What’s normal, my family and that I still have the same friends I’ve had my whole life. My agent and my manager are really good and they never let my ego grow big.
17: You participated in charitable activities to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti, how did you live that experience?
Rob: It was something great. When you become famous, you spend a lot of time thinking in what it means or what to do with all of this attention put on you. When you discover that you could use your fame to do good things is great. I hope that what I did helped and that it really did make a difference to the people who live in Haiti.
17: Do you feel that with those actions, you will inspire other people?
Rob: I don’t know, I’m trying, I think that if you work as hard as you can, it works. I try to inspire people in a positive way and with luck it turns into something great for the world. I think that you can’t judge yourself when you’re contributing to the world or when you’re inspiring others. Other people should say that.
17: Is there something that bugs you?
Rob: Many, millions of things (laughs) almost everything bugs me.
17: Is there a dream you want to achieve?
Rob: I think to make a music album. I would love to achieve that dream. I am always writing songs, but I never put much time to the music and much less working on an album.
17: These days you have many admirers, when you went to school were you also popular?
Rob: (laughs) In school? In school absolutely no one is.
8th page Rob says: To understand the solitude and loneliness of the character, I decided to get away for a bit from my friends and family. It was a very strong experience.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Rob talks about Kristen
The Twilight vampire told Merrick, Dools and Ricki-Lee that meeting the 20-year-old actress for the first time was "weird".
"It was weird. I mean, everything about the pairing with Kristen kind of worked out for the story," he said.
"I went in to the audition having absolutely no idea of what to do and because of the way she was playing it kind of shocked me into doing a performance that I didn't realise I could do.
"I guess she brings a kind of toughness and also a kind of mystery to Bella, which is not really there in the book.
"She's kind of in a lot of ways, a damsel in distress in the book, and Kristen's very...there's a kind of fierce fierceness behind her, which I didn't really expect the actress who played Bella would have."
The British actor said he is still surprised at the success of Twilight and that its success puts a certain pressure on him.
"In the beginning I had no idea. It seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger every week that is going past," he said.
"I feel pressure to live up to making a good movie, but I mean the expectations are so diverse.""
Listen to it here
source via RPLife
"It was weird. I mean, everything about the pairing with Kristen kind of worked out for the story," he said.
"I went in to the audition having absolutely no idea of what to do and because of the way she was playing it kind of shocked me into doing a performance that I didn't realise I could do.
"I guess she brings a kind of toughness and also a kind of mystery to Bella, which is not really there in the book.
"She's kind of in a lot of ways, a damsel in distress in the book, and Kristen's very...there's a kind of fierce fierceness behind her, which I didn't really expect the actress who played Bella would have."
The British actor said he is still surprised at the success of Twilight and that its success puts a certain pressure on him.
"In the beginning I had no idea. It seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger every week that is going past," he said.
"I feel pressure to live up to making a good movie, but I mean the expectations are so diverse.""
Listen to it here
source via RPLife
Ed Westwick talks about 'Robert Pattinson Hysteria' on NOW Mag (UK)
Robert Pattinson hysteria is crazy. Would you want that level of fame?
“I’ve already experienced girls screaming my name, so I wouldn’t say it’s too alien, but I think Rob’s in a very difficult situation. He’s a friend and he’s a good guy. I know him, so I know for a fact that he wants to be known for his work”, Westwick said. source
“I’ve already experienced girls screaming my name, so I wouldn’t say it’s too alien, but I think Rob’s in a very difficult situation. He’s a friend and he’s a good guy. I know him, so I know for a fact that he wants to be known for his work”, Westwick said. source
Sunday, May 30, 2010
New Interview of Rob:"Robert Pattinson: He’s a lover and a fighter"+*NEW* Edward & Bella Still
The love stuff comes easy to Robert Pattinson by now. What the actor’s most worried about is how his fight scenes with bigger, brawnier Taylor Lautner will look in the third Twilight movie, Eclipse.
Grisly deaths plague Seattle. Vampires fight werewolves. Vampires and werewolves unite to battle, um, badder vampires.

“In New Moon, Edward tries to deal with the relationship and, sort of, fails,” Robert Pattinson, who plays Cullen, says in an L.A. interview. “In Eclipse, it really is the everyday rigmarole of having a relationship, and dealing with jealousy and pettiness.”
Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella, says it’s not that simple. After all, her character is still torn between Edward and the feelings she has for her lifelong friend, Native American lycanthrope Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). “Bella now has to actually be able to stand up and say, okay, so maybe every choice isn’t completely impulsive,” explains Stewart in a separate L.A. interview. “Maybe there are different levels of love, and maybe my ideological views of what I think you are to me are wrong, and maybe I could look at somebody else.”
Eclipse Love triangle anyone? (Courtesy of Summit Entertainment)
That said, it still seems Eclipse offers more for the guys than just a good bet the movie will put their dates in a romantic mood. The film was directed by David Slade, who last time out made the gory vampire action thriller 30 Days of Night. Slade is, perhaps, a bit more attuned to what men want than Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke (The Nativity Story) and Chris Weitz (About a Boy, The Golden Compass), who helmed New Moon.
“Different worlds collide in this one,” says Stewart. “We make it more dangerous every time.”
This time out, the lissome, ethereal-looking Pattinson has to get more physical with the pumped-up Lautner, and he just hopes audiences buy their fight scenes.
“There is a bunch of fighting,” says the 24-year-old Brit. “In the most simplistic of ways, trying to be intimidating to Taylor is just physically humiliating. In one scene, I tried to grab him and his shoulder was too big! That was embarrassing.”
While physical strength may not be Pattinson’s, well, strength, he does have an uncanny ability to brood and smoulder in a way that drives the ladies nuts. But while it works well on-screen, that low-key nature can also come off as aloof, even falsely self-deprecating, off-screen. And Pattinson’s the first one to admit it.
“The problem is, mainly, that I’m really finicky about looking pretentious for some reason,” he says. “I think, because I haven’t done too much work and I’ve become so, kind of, big, people have a hyper-judgment of you. I always thought the best way to deal with that is just to kind of play down everything. But I never saw the result of that being people saying, ‘Why can’t you just shut up? We’re so sick of the humble act. When’s he going to stop pretending to be humble?’”
As of this article’s writing, it had yet to be decided whether Stephenie Meyer’s fourth and final "Twilight" novel, "Breaking Dawn", would be made into one or two films. Either way, production should start in Vancouver (where New Moon and Eclipse were shot) this fall. “British Columbia is great,” says Pattinson. “Everybody always talks about how easy it is to make movies in Vancouver because no one cares if anyone’s around. And it really was like that with New Moon. It was so easy, there was never any hassle about going out or anything. But it changed a little bit on the third one. “But,” he adds, “there are a bunch of nice restaurants in Vancouver, and it’s a really cool city.”
The pair views the impending end of the film series with mixed feelings. On the plus side, it will likely put the brakes on the intrusive tabloid scrutiny they’ve endured. So far, at least, Twihard fans have expressed little interest in Stewart and Pattinson’s non-saga movies (like The Runaways and Remember Me, respectively), and the paparazzi will likely thin out once they have nothing left to obsess over, such as those still unproven rumours of a real-life romance between the handsome pair.
Then again, they may not know what to do — or what they’ll be able to do — when the post-Breaking break comes.
“I think it’s good that I’ve just been working this whole time,” Pattinson says of the past two years. “You don’t go out and do that much when you’re shooting anyway, because you’re just so tired all the time. So it hasn’t been that incapacitating. But it’s been difficult to figure out where to live and stuff; I mean, the idea of getting a house… If people are always waiting outside your home, then you might as well sell it.
“And I miss just randomly dropping into clubs and playing music,” adds the actor, who pursued a recording career before moviemaking proved more lucrative. “That’s annoying. But really, you can still do anything you want to do; it’s just the fear of judgment afterward.”
In keeping, perhaps, with her screen persona, Stewart, now 20, sounds more torn about the series’ conclusion.
“The interesting thing about wanting it to come to an end is not because you want the experience of it to end,” Stewart says. “The experience that I get from it is so different from what press and media or fans or whatever see. I actually get to make the movies. Most of the questions I hear are about how specifically my life has changed because of that, but that’s really sort of extra. I didn’t know that that was going to happen. I’ve never had more opportunity in my life and I’ve worked really hard for it. So I’m really grateful.”
As for Eclipse, Stewart says that, whether they’re seeking monster action or are hungry for unattainable love, viewers are in for a taste of — believe it or not — reality.
“It matures, basically,” she says. “It takes a really ideal story and makes it a little more cerebral. It’s like, so what if you actually had to do this? It takes away the fantasy element a little bit and shows you that it’s not so, sort of, dreamy.” via RPLife
Rob # 2 at GQ Magazine’s “King of Cool” List

The 25-year old royal beat heartthrob Robert Pattinson to take the number one spot.
Also making the top ten were Dizzee Rascal, runner Usain Bolt and Arctic Monkeys drummer Matt Helders.
Prince William failed to make the list of 50 coolest men.
The magazine said the cut-off age for eligible men was 37 and a half and took into account an ''enviable sense of savoir faire, a talent for transforming the mundane into the extraordinary, or just a really edgy haircut''.
The youngest member of the elite club is 7-year-old Albert Cocker - son of former Pulp star Jarvis.
The list appears in the July issue of GQ.
Top ten 'coolest' men
1. Prince Harry
2. Robert Pattinson
3. Reggie Love (Aide to US President Barack Obama)
4. Dizzee Rascal
5. Jason Schwartzman (actor)
6. Usain Bolt
7. Ryan McGinley (photographer)
8. Dustin Lance Black (screenwriter)
9. Matt Helders (Arctic Monkeys drummer)
10. Wells Tower (author)
source via spunk-ransom
Eclipse Worldwide Movie Release Dates Internationally
Domestic Territories
Europe & Middle East
English Language
- Canada: June 30 2010
- United States: June 30 2010
Europe & Middle East
- Benelux – Belgium: June 30 2010
- Benelux – Netherland: June 30 2010
- France: July 7 2010
- Germany: July 15 2010
- Austria: July 16 2010
- Greece: June 30 2010
- Iceland: June 30 2010
- Israel: July 1 2010
- Italy: June 30 2010
- Middle East – Egypt: TBA
- Middle East – Lebanon: July 8 2010
- Middle East – UAE: July 8 2010
- Portugal: June 30 2010
- Scandinavia – Denmark: June 30 2010
- Scandinavia – Finland: June 30 2010
- Scandinavia – Norway: June 30 2010
- Scandinavia – Sweden: June 30 2010
- Spain: June 30 2010
- Switzerland, French: July 7 2010
- Switzerland, German: July 14 2010
- Switzerland, Italian: June 30 2010
- Turkey: June 30 2010
English Language
- Australia: July 1 2010
- New Zealand: July 1 2010
- South Africa: June 30 2010
- United Kingdom: July 9 2010
- China: TBA
- Hong Kong: July 1 2010
- India: TBA
- Indonesia: June 30, 2010
- Japan: November 2010
- Malaysia: July 8 2010
- Pakistan: TBA
- Philippines: June 30 2010
- Singapore: July 1 2010
- South Korea: July 8 2010
- Taiwan: July 1 2010
- Thailand: July 1 2010
- Vietnam: TBA
- Latin America
- Argentina: July 1 2010
- Bolivia: September 30 2010
- Brazil: June 30 2010
- Chile: July 1 2010
- Colombia: July 2 2010
- Costa Rica: July 9 2010
- Dominican Republic: July 8 2010
- Ecuador: July 16 2010
- El Salvador: July 9, 2010
- Guatemala: July 9, 2010
- Honduras: July 16, 2010
- Mexico: July 1, 2010
- Nicaragua: July 8, 2010
- Panama: July 9, 2010
- Peru: July 15 2010
- Uruguay: July 2 2010
- Venezuela: June 30 2010
- West Indies: July 7 2010
- Eastern Europe
- Baltics – Estonia: July 9 2010
- Baltics – Latvia: July 9, 2010
- Baltics – Lithuania: July 2 2010
- Bulgaria: July 9 2010
- CIS: July 1 2010
- Croatia: June 30 2010
- Croatia – Slovenia: June 30 2010
- Czech Republic: July 1 2010
- Slovak Republic: July 1 2010
- Hungary: June 30 2010
- Poland: July 2 2010
- Romania: June 30 2010
- Serbia: July 1 2010
- Ukraine: July 8 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
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