Monday, May 17, 2010

Solo pic of Rob from the USA Today

Robert Pattinson, 24

Birthplace: London

Notable feature: Messy hair

Acting experience: Ex-model first performed before cameras in 2004. Played Cedric Diggory in 2005's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Twilight role: Edward Cullen, gorgeous yet tortured teen vampire who is actually more than a century old, sparkles in the sun and feeds only on the blood of animals.

Eclipse dilemma:Wants to wed Bella, but is torn about ending her human life and changing her into a vampire.

Remember Me: "I've never played a present-day kind of normal guy in anything. And so I was kind of interested in doing that."
Water for Elephants: "It's set int the Depression era, when circuses traveled by train and this guy runs away and jumps on a train to be a hobo and by accident, he doesnt realize it's a circus train. He becomes part of this world because he has no life to go back to and ends up falling in love with the ringmaster's wife, played by Reese Witherspoon. The ringmaster just happens to be kind of a schizophrenic as well. He's a most charismatic and terrifying person. He's Christoph Waltz from Inglourious Basterds. I did a read through yesterday with him. He was sitting right next to me. It was a little terrifying."
Here are Kristen's and Taylor's pics too in case you want them
Click on them to get the bigger versions!

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