Sunday, July 25, 2010

The 'Other' Story with the paps!

This is a wild story!Rob left a house in Malibu after attending a private party,last night around 8 pm (with guitar in hand) and not only backed into the car of a fellor party-er but then pulled forward and hit another car and then....DROVE OFF!
Pattinson's super cool vintage rida suffered minimal damage and the other cars both had dents and scrapes but that didn't bother Rob one bit-he left the scene without leaving a note.
After a while he headed south down,and after driving for about 20 minutes,he stopped and yelled at the photographers to stop following him and to leave him alone!
Rob gave up,got back to his car,and drove off.A few miles later when he saw police on the side of the road ,Rob pulled over and spoke to the cops and asked them for help with the photographers that were behind him,but unfortunately they said there was nothing they could do!Meanwhile fans gathered and started taking pics! source

1 comment:

  1. Rob please realize that the paps want you to get upset so they can sue you if you break their camera or try to hit one of them. Maybe you had to much to drink at the party if you crashed into two cars without leaving a note. Just keep your cool for when you lose it, that's when they get paid the big bucks for the picture. Don't give them the satisfaction.
