Thursday, September 9, 2010

*NEW* Photos of Rob in Houston,TX

And another one!(via)
And one more:) source
This is a really dark picture of me with Robert Pattinson (aka The Creepiest Vampire Ever, or The Cutest Dead Gryffindor, oops Hufflepuff). He happened to be at this bar we went tp downtown. He had his back to us and a girl and a guy approached him. I figured he knew them but, then he stood up and i was like, “Oh, that guy totally looks like Robert Pattinson with a beard.” Then they took a picture with him and I was like wtf I think that’s Robert Pattinson. Cedric Diggory!!!! So before we left I asked him if he was Robert Pattinson. He looked pissed and said he was. I asked if I could have a picture and he said yeah and just kind of sat there. I was like geez thanks asshole. After the picture I was like, “thanks, I’m a huge Harry Potter fan.” Him and his friends laughed and then we left. And this was nowhere near the highlight of my night.

1 comment:

  1. okay, so the guy got upset because Rob was pissed. I guess Rob had been taking pictures with fans all day and just wanted to be left alonge. Funny, Harry Potter fan.
