Monday, October 18, 2010

New Fan Encounter of Rob in Baton Rouge yesterday


"I have a friend that manages a bike shop here in Baton Rouge, and I brought my bikes in to get fixed. I walk in, and it's my 3 good friends who run the store, and only 2 other people. An older gentleman, and a younger, bearded one. I didn't recognize either so I just kept walking right past them (like 6 inches away from them) straight to the warehouse of the shop.

A half hour later, I realize, this f****ng bearded guy is ROBERT PATTINSON. Robert f****ng Pattinson. He was wearing a dark baseball cap, jeans, a red flannel shirt, and black shoes (looked like skate/bike shoes). He decides to buy a bike from my friend (a thousand dollar bike that I'm sure you'll see in paparazzi pictures from now on). This is a nice bike, and needs to be setup in the warehouse before sending him with it, so I then find myself in the predicament OF HANGING OUT WITH ROBERT PATTINSON IN A SMALL ROOM FOR AN HOUR.

He's the most attractive person I've ever fucking met. And his beard? Epic. He's also the sweetest goddamn person, and I didn't ask for a picture, because he seemed to be enjoying the fact that not a single one of us acknowledged his celebrity.

Anyway. That's it. F****ng epic, and I don't even like Twilight. Oh, and that smile? That f****ng smile? CUTEST THING EVER."


  1. That I'm not a Twilight fan is a turn off. Why ? It doesn't do anything for the story. LAME.

  2. Oh my effin GOD!!! I would've died right there and then!

  3. yumi yumi... i like this blog is beautiful...i'm from colombia... my blog is

  4. JFC that awesome I am so jealous that you meet him. Thanks for sharing

  5. Sorry, but how do we know this is legit? :/

  6. WBRZ totally posted an article about it this afternoon. He was legit there.
