Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rob reveals his guilty pleasure!

Sexy film star Robert Pattinson has a not-so-sexy guilty pleasure…The Antiques Roadshow!

The gorgeous Twilight star has revealed he is a massive fan of the sleepy Sunday afternoon TV show, and was made to watch it as a child: "I don't think there was a kid back home who didn't watch Antiques Roadshow with their parents on a Sunday night," R-Pattz said. "That Royle Family episode where they are all betting on how much the antiques are worth is so true to British life, that's exactly what we used to do. I used to love it, I think secretly every kid did, but it's not the coolest thing to admit."

Robert gushed on: "I love the faces of the posh people when they think that something is going to be valued at more than it is, and when it's under they are gutted…I would love to be presenting the show when some little old dear from Burnley comes in with a genuine Picasso or Rembrandt worth £5million."

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