Sunday, December 12, 2010

New\Old Interview of Rob for 'Remember Me' with Por Ti Magazine!

Robert Pat­tin­son: Remem­ber Me

“In some ways I would like to be like Tyler, my char­ac­ter in the film.”

Remem­ber Me: The Plot
Tyler is a con­flicted young man who has prob­lems with his fam­ily and with life. But the day he meets Ally, his life changes! Together they live out an unfor­get­table love story.

Robert Pat­tin­son: “I am roman­tic in my own way.”
He’s not one to talk about his per­sonal life, but with PT he made an exception!

In Remem­ber Me, our sexy Rob plays Tyler, a young man with many prob­lems. With this pre­tense, we are launched into New York, where we prove once again that the actor con­tin­ues being that shy young man, who, since the Twi­light saga, stole our hearts.

Por Ti: Rob, tell us, in this movie we see you as much more aggres­sive. Was it hard work to give life to Tyler, your character?

Rob: No, because I under­stand per­fectly the anger some­one feels towards them­selves in life in general.

Por Ti: But if you seem to be a super calm guy…

Rob: Appear­ances can be deceiv­ing [laughs]. In my ado­les­cent years I put an end to fights, but the major­ity of the time I never entered in to any. One time I got punched in the nose [laughs] with­out mean­ing to or being afraid of it. It was a real disaster.

Por Ti: Really? Did you at least win one?

Rob: No, not now or ever [laughs]. When we shot Remem­ber Me, the guys I was fight­ing with would die of laugh­ter because I would hurt my hands from so many punches, while they didn’t feel a thing!

Por Ti: And was it hard to film the bar fight scene?

Rob: [laughs] In that fight, as I hit with twice my strength and apol­o­gized to him, he said, “Don’t worry, I didn’t even feel the hit.” It was humil­i­at­ing [laughs even harder].

Por Ti: Wow, what a good story! Hey, that rebel rep­u­ta­tion, are you sure you weren’t like that when you were younger?

Rob: I really never was. I actu­ally think now is when I’ve been most like that.

Por Ti: Do you think that’s due to the pres­sure that fame puts on you?

Rob: Exactly. When the whole world is watch­ing you, they cre­ate sto­ries and give you labels that have noth­ing to do with you. It’s almost impos­si­ble for you not to explode!

Por Ti: And surely you’re more fol­lowed now that you have a famous girlfriend…

Rob: [laughs] It’s dif­fi­cult for any­one. Lots of peo­ple think our lives are all about tak­ing pic­tures and stuff like that. But it becomes a real bother when they’re tak­ing pic­tures of you all the time.

Por Ti: Are you the kind to get riled easily?

Rob: Gen­er­ally, no. You know why? Because with my char­ac­ters I can vent the inter­nal anger I have.

Por Ti: Is there any­thing that can pro­voke you to lose control?

Rob: Yes, there is some­thing. I hate that peo­ple have prej­u­dices about me!

Por Ti: A prej­u­dice for you would be that peo­ple think you’re not romantic?

Rob: That’s not true. In my own way, I’m very roman­tic. For me it means see­ing love through the eyes of a child, with­out let­ting your­self be influ­enced by neg­a­tive experiences.

Por Ti: The movie also talks about the good and bad things in life. Do you ever think that what you have could come to an end?

Rob: Yes, for that rea­son I intend to enjoy what I have, live in the present. The future? We’ll see.

At The Premiere

Rob and Emi­lie de Ravin got along really well! And their chem­istry on screen is unrivaled.

Dur­ing the pre­miere in NYC, Rob gave all the auto­graphs he could.

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