Monday, January 10, 2011

Rob was mentioned on a German TV Show!

Rob was mentioned on the German TV series, "Hand aufs Herz."
Click on the capture to watch the video!
 At about 11:07 (Rob's name at about 11:25)...

Girl: Hey there stag!
Have you found your dream girl or have you been kissed by a moose?

Boy: Hilarious!

Girl: Hey! Keep your head! I was wondering why your dream girl left you when she even exists.

Boy: She exists and you're not the one.

Girl: I see!

Boy: Just because I don't look like Robert Pattinson, doesn't mean I can't pick up somebody!I'm special. I'm not standard!

1 comment:

  1. i saw this today... but i don't like this soap-opera... in germany we call it telenovela :)

    greets from germany
