Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Mathieu Carratier, Editor-in-Chief of Première Magazine tweeted about Rob working/meeting with 2 directors!
Première Magazine's Editor-in-chief, Mathieu Carratier tweeted about Rob and two directors. He said that Rob is set up to work with Werner Herzog and is "spending time" with Harmony Korine.
Ok, real info then: Robert Pattinson is preparing a movie with Werner Herzog.
Since it seems to interest you, I can also tell you that Robert Pattinson has been spending time with Harmony Korine lately.
Since it seems to interest you, I can also tell you that Robert Pattinson has been spending time with Harmony Korine lately.
New short interviews of Rob with Cosmopolitan and EW!
With Cosmopolitan|Translation thanks to magicalyoyo87

Hey girls, I met Robert Pattinson recently and as I promised I asked him some of your questions, that were submitted on's Facebook page! Here are some Rob's answers - and stay tuned because there is more to come!
Csomós Eliz:
How do you see each other with Kristen: have you changed since the shooting of the first Twilight movie, if yes then in what aspect?
Rob: She didn't change much, she just got older. She always had the necessary self-confidence, a lot of people just didn't notice that at the beginning. The only change I noticed is the fashion...When we first met fashion wasn't really in the picture, she wasn't exactly obsessed with it, it wasn't like she couldn't miss the Paris Fashion Week. So I didn't expect this. These days everyone's talking about how much she's changed...and I don't think she changed at all. Even when we were shooting the first Twilight movie she argued with the director, the producers and told them exactly what she wanted to do. She always had balls.
Cseke Rebeka:
Is it more difficult or easier to play a couple on-screen when you are together off-screen too?
Rob: It doesn't mean anything. Okay, it doesn't hurt that we like each other. But there are times when two actors hate each other and still can work together perfectly. What you see on the screen is a lot of times totally different from the real life. Of course it's not ideal, if you hate each other. But your relationship doesn't matter anyway, it's neither an advantage nor a disadvantage because the two have nothing to do with each other.
With EW
Now that it’s the last Twilight appearance at Comic-Con, Robert Pattinson told EW he realized he would like to come back someday and experience it as an attendee (in costume, of course). “I’d love it,” he says. “Maybe a Darth Vader mask or something.”
The question first came up at the Breaking Dawn –Part 2 panel when an audience member asked Pattinson and Stewart what villain they’d choose to dress up as if they came to Comic-Con for fun. Stewart, with a sly smile, said the Evil Queen — a nod to her co-star in Snow White and the Huntsman. Pattinson named Zod.
“I can’t believe I said Zod,” Pattinson said a couple of hours later, relaxing in a much-quieter-than-Hall-H hotel room. “He’s the bad guy from Superman II. I actually have no idea why I said him. I just remember, ‘Kneel before Zod‘. Now that’s been stuck in my head all day.” The actor estimates that he probably last saw Superman II when he was 9-years-old.
Lautner, who did not get to answer the question during the panel, chose a good guy rather than a bad. “I would love to dress up as Iron Man,” he said. “I would also really like to get a suit that has a jet pack.”
The question first came up at the Breaking Dawn –Part 2 panel when an audience member asked Pattinson and Stewart what villain they’d choose to dress up as if they came to Comic-Con for fun. Stewart, with a sly smile, said the Evil Queen — a nod to her co-star in Snow White and the Huntsman. Pattinson named Zod.
“I can’t believe I said Zod,” Pattinson said a couple of hours later, relaxing in a much-quieter-than-Hall-H hotel room. “He’s the bad guy from Superman II. I actually have no idea why I said him. I just remember, ‘Kneel before Zod‘. Now that’s been stuck in my head all day.” The actor estimates that he probably last saw Superman II when he was 9-years-old.
Lautner, who did not get to answer the question during the panel, chose a good guy rather than a bad. “I would love to dress up as Iron Man,” he said. “I would also really like to get a suit that has a jet pack.”
Friday, July 13, 2012
Kristen & Rob talk about working together again!

“Extra’s” Ben Lyons headed down to San Diego for the first day at the Con, where the “Twilight” frenzy began four years ago. He caught up with Stewart and Pattinson, chatted about “Breaking Dawn, Part 2” -- and whether they’ll ever work together again now that’s it over.
Stewart told Lyons, “Oh dude, we will work together again. And I'm not being coy, but sometimes I have a few actors that I worked with before that I'm like, ‘We have to keep doing this together’ and he's definitely one of them.”
Pattinson, who has been writing scripts on the side, concurred. “I would love to, yeah definitely. There are only like a few actors who can kind of get stuff financed and Kristen is one of them… It’s so easy to cast her in things.”
The two still marveled at the fan reaction to “Twilight” after all this time. Stewart laughed, “Even after all these years, it’s weird. The reason I love doing this job is that shared energy. This is the most intense version of it I'll ever have.”
Pattinson added, “They never seem to change age as well. It's so crazy. I didn’t understand it the first time I saw and I don't understand now. I’m curious what all the people will do after.”
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
MTV to host live interviews with Rob & the cast at tomorrow's Comic Con!
Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
We are pleased to announce that we will be taking you to the center of everything with our Comic-Con takeover with three live-stream broadcasts on Thursday (July 12), Friday (July 13) and Saturday (July 14) at 1 p.m. ET/ 10 a.m. PT, hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz.
We're kicking off our coverage on Thursday with a two-hour show dedicated to "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2." Tune into at 1 p.m. ET/ 10 a.m. PT for a veritable feast of "Twilight" goodness that will feature exclusive live interviews with the film's superstars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, as well as Mackenzie Foy, Elizabeth Reaser, Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone. We'll also be on the ground reporting from the "Breaking Dawn" panel and bringing you all the other tidbits associated with the film's Comic-Con events.
Keep it locked to and Splash Page for all the latest, greatest Comic-Con news. To participate in the live chat via Twitter, use @MTVNews and hashtag #MTVSDCC.
We're kicking off our coverage on Thursday with a two-hour show dedicated to "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2." Tune into at 1 p.m. ET/ 10 a.m. PT for a veritable feast of "Twilight" goodness that will feature exclusive live interviews with the film's superstars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, as well as Mackenzie Foy, Elizabeth Reaser, Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone. We'll also be on the ground reporting from the "Breaking Dawn" panel and bringing you all the other tidbits associated with the film's Comic-Con events.
Keep it locked to and Splash Page for all the latest, greatest Comic-Con news. To participate in the live chat via Twitter, use @MTVNews and hashtag #MTVSDCC.
Metric's Emily Haines talks about Rob!
Jul. 10, 2012 - Metric's Emily Haines discusses the band's work on music for films like "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" and "Cosmopolis" - and the coincidence that both movies star Robert Pattinson.
Transcription thnks to rpattzdaily
We actually met him recently and we laughed about that, he's a really good guy. We ended up hanging out at his house and having this like kind of, we were just like, 'do we have this weird six degrees of separation, or less, one degree of separation from him' but it's a complete coincidence, it's funny.
Transcription thnks to rpattzdaily
We actually met him recently and we laughed about that, he's a really good guy. We ended up hanging out at his house and having this like kind of, we were just like, 'do we have this weird six degrees of separation, or less, one degree of separation from him' but it's a complete coincidence, it's funny.
Paul Becker, 'Breaking Dawn' choreographer, talks about the wedding scene & Rob and Kristen!
PC: You appear at the memorable wedding in TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 1, do you not?
PB: [Laughs.] Yes. Actually, it was really funny - as you know, Bill Condon, the director, wrote CHICAGO and so he brought me in to choreograph TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 1 and PART 2. And, so, I showed up on set and we were all having a good time, and, then, when I showed up on set for the last day of filming, where we were doing the big wedding scene, and I go into my trailer and I find there is a suit there. So, I say to the AD, “Why is there a suit in there?” and, she says, “Bill Condon wants you to get into wardrobe.” And, I say, “What?! What do you mean ‘wardrobe’?!” And, so I put on the suit and I go onset and Bill is there and he puts his arm around me and says, “I got you in CHICAGO and now I’m gonna put you in this one.” And, so, he put me in the scene.
PC: Was the dancing in TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN all Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, specifically in the wedding scene? That 360 camera shot is so sweeping and beautifully rendered.
PB: Oh, yeah. That was all them one hundred percent. We had rehearsal with them for that scene specifically. Also, there was a Steadicam pass that we did that was actually with Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene dancing and they were actually doing swing dancing and flipping around and all of that stuff, believe it or not! [Laughs.] They all had fun - we all had a lot of fun on that scene. I loved working on TWILIGHT.
PB: [Laughs.] Yes. Actually, it was really funny - as you know, Bill Condon, the director, wrote CHICAGO and so he brought me in to choreograph TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 1 and PART 2. And, so, I showed up on set and we were all having a good time, and, then, when I showed up on set for the last day of filming, where we were doing the big wedding scene, and I go into my trailer and I find there is a suit there. So, I say to the AD, “Why is there a suit in there?” and, she says, “Bill Condon wants you to get into wardrobe.” And, I say, “What?! What do you mean ‘wardrobe’?!” And, so I put on the suit and I go onset and Bill is there and he puts his arm around me and says, “I got you in CHICAGO and now I’m gonna put you in this one.” And, so, he put me in the scene.
PC: Was the dancing in TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN all Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, specifically in the wedding scene? That 360 camera shot is so sweeping and beautifully rendered.
PB: Oh, yeah. That was all them one hundred percent. We had rehearsal with them for that scene specifically. Also, there was a Steadicam pass that we did that was actually with Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene dancing and they were actually doing swing dancing and flipping around and all of that stuff, believe it or not! [Laughs.] They all had fun - we all had a lot of fun on that scene. I loved working on TWILIGHT.
Friday, July 6, 2012
New interview of Rob with WirtschaftsWoche!
Translation thnks to McAvoyDi
WirtschaftsWoche: Thanks to the "Twilight" movies you're one of the big earners in the movie industry.
Pattinson: There you're mistaken. This is greatly exaggerated.
But you have sufficient available financial resources to invest. What principles do you follow?
I do not have any, because I'm not very good at spending money or investing. I have simply no idea. Okay, I've spent money on a house, but I hardly use it because I travel so much.
Real estate is still a reasonable investment.
Yes, but I don't think so. The whole financial world makes no sense to me. Only then when everything goes wrong. Because their categories are absolutely absurd, it's based only on illusions. Why should Facebook suddenly be worth over $100 billion?
Appropriately,you're now playing an finance genius in your new movie "Cosmopolis" . Were you aware of the relevance of this story?
Everyone who sees the film, says that it deals with the fall of capitalism. But when we shot it, nobody thought of that. For us, the movie was about the absurdity of power in general. The protagonist didn't necessarily have to be a financial shark. But appropriately enough the "Occupy Wall Street" movement started just at that time. And the movie scenes that show the insurgents look like a reflection of the events.
Would you tried to join the Occupy movement since you already don't have a great opinion of the financial world?
Absolutely. However, the people would think me hypocritical if I did that. Although I agree with many of the principles of this movement. Ever since working on this movie, I became even more sensitive to it, more aware.
It is so ridiculous that people who want nothing more than lead a normal life, have to work for minimal wage to do so, while a minority has so much money available, that they lost touch with it. For them it has become pure gambling. And the law has no meaning anymore.
Then I ask myself: Why do I vote at all anymore? The President has no say. It's just typical that my character in the film has absolutely no idea who the President is. You become so successful that every aspect of life is only an abstraction. Even the success as such means nothing to you anymore.
Is this true for you?
I am well aware that I had luck with the "Twilight" movies. I've literally fallen into a made nest. They say you have to earn your luck. For me it is the opposite. I will work every single day for the next ten years to justify this.
So in the real life, you don't drive in limousins where you don't notice what is going on aroudn you - like your character in "Cosmopolis"?
Not really. But even if I did that, then it was necessary, because me and my "Twilight" colleagues were chased by fans. One time the driver accidentally turned into a parking garage - and a whole lot of people came after us. It was like "Jurassic Park".
I'm not at all shielded from reality. And the people around me contradict me constantly. So much, that sometimes it really gets on my nerves (Laughs).
WirtschaftsWoche: Thanks to the "Twilight" movies you're one of the big earners in the movie industry.
Pattinson: There you're mistaken. This is greatly exaggerated.
But you have sufficient available financial resources to invest. What principles do you follow?
I do not have any, because I'm not very good at spending money or investing. I have simply no idea. Okay, I've spent money on a house, but I hardly use it because I travel so much.
Real estate is still a reasonable investment.
Yes, but I don't think so. The whole financial world makes no sense to me. Only then when everything goes wrong. Because their categories are absolutely absurd, it's based only on illusions. Why should Facebook suddenly be worth over $100 billion?
Appropriately,you're now playing an finance genius in your new movie "Cosmopolis" . Were you aware of the relevance of this story?
Everyone who sees the film, says that it deals with the fall of capitalism. But when we shot it, nobody thought of that. For us, the movie was about the absurdity of power in general. The protagonist didn't necessarily have to be a financial shark. But appropriately enough the "Occupy Wall Street" movement started just at that time. And the movie scenes that show the insurgents look like a reflection of the events.
Would you tried to join the Occupy movement since you already don't have a great opinion of the financial world?
Absolutely. However, the people would think me hypocritical if I did that. Although I agree with many of the principles of this movement. Ever since working on this movie, I became even more sensitive to it, more aware.
It is so ridiculous that people who want nothing more than lead a normal life, have to work for minimal wage to do so, while a minority has so much money available, that they lost touch with it. For them it has become pure gambling. And the law has no meaning anymore.
Then I ask myself: Why do I vote at all anymore? The President has no say. It's just typical that my character in the film has absolutely no idea who the President is. You become so successful that every aspect of life is only an abstraction. Even the success as such means nothing to you anymore.
Is this true for you?
I am well aware that I had luck with the "Twilight" movies. I've literally fallen into a made nest. They say you have to earn your luck. For me it is the opposite. I will work every single day for the next ten years to justify this.
So in the real life, you don't drive in limousins where you don't notice what is going on aroudn you - like your character in "Cosmopolis"?
Not really. But even if I did that, then it was necessary, because me and my "Twilight" colleagues were chased by fans. One time the driver accidentally turned into a parking garage - and a whole lot of people came after us. It was like "Jurassic Park".
I'm not at all shielded from reality. And the people around me contradict me constantly. So much, that sometimes it really gets on my nerves (Laughs).
Thursday, July 5, 2012
New interview of Rob with Sat.1 (Berlin press junket)!
Full translation thnks to Kris1787
I've just seen your movie.
Rob: Did you like it?
It's really crazy
Rob: It's pretty weird. It'S pretty out there.
It's definitely no teenage movie
Rob: Yeah no. unless you are a really clever teenager or really interested in big limonsins
In the movie there are many nude scenes. You have much sex with many different women. How was that?
Rob:Its strange. Half of the sex scenes was not planned to be sex scenes. They should take place after the sex. The script said: "They just had sex", but david said on the day: "You have sex now". All my preparations, all the work and the huge dialoge scenes that I've thought about, I could throw away.
Has you girlfriend Kristen seen the movie?
Rob:Yeah, yeah
How did you prepare her for all these scenes with all these different women?
Rob:The only problem is, when the movie isn't good. And then there is the question: "Why are you doing this? Why are you playing so many sex scenes in such a bad movie? If it's interesting and believable, then everything is okay."
When did you decide to make your realtionship official?
Rob:To be honest. I don't talk about my relationship. Simply because I never did this. Since I started doing interviews. No... simply no.
or watch at the source|youtube|via
I've just seen your movie.
Rob: Did you like it?
It's really crazy
Rob: It's pretty weird. It'S pretty out there.
It's definitely no teenage movie
Rob: Yeah no. unless you are a really clever teenager or really interested in big limonsins
In the movie there are many nude scenes. You have much sex with many different women. How was that?
Rob:Its strange. Half of the sex scenes was not planned to be sex scenes. They should take place after the sex. The script said: "They just had sex", but david said on the day: "You have sex now". All my preparations, all the work and the huge dialoge scenes that I've thought about, I could throw away.
Has you girlfriend Kristen seen the movie?
Rob:Yeah, yeah
How did you prepare her for all these scenes with all these different women?
Rob:The only problem is, when the movie isn't good. And then there is the question: "Why are you doing this? Why are you playing so many sex scenes in such a bad movie? If it's interesting and believable, then everything is okay."
When did you decide to make your realtionship official?
Rob:To be honest. I don't talk about my relationship. Simply because I never did this. Since I started doing interviews. No... simply no.
or watch at the source|youtube|via
New interview of Rob with (Berlin press junket)!
Questions thanks to @McAvoyDi for translating the questions & the link of the video
1. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
2. Do you prefer playing a supernatural being or a human?
3. How do you deal with the fact that the role of Edward Cullen will likely stick around during your acting career?
4. What do you hate most about your celeb status?
5. How does it feel for you to be on the red carpet and be cheered on by so many people?
6. Out of the actors you worked with so far who inspired you the most?
7. What movies have inspired you most? More the classics or the big Hollywood blockbusters?
8. How do you manage to just always look so relaxed and cute and styled and tousled at the same time?
(verschtrubbelt means more hobo looking lol)
9. Robert Pattinson asks back, "What do you think the movie version of 'Cosmopolis'?"
1. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
2. Do you prefer playing a supernatural being or a human?
3. How do you deal with the fact that the role of Edward Cullen will likely stick around during your acting career?
4. What do you hate most about your celeb status?
5. How does it feel for you to be on the red carpet and be cheered on by so many people?
6. Out of the actors you worked with so far who inspired you the most?
7. What movies have inspired you most? More the classics or the big Hollywood blockbusters?
8. How do you manage to just always look so relaxed and cute and styled and tousled at the same time?
(verschtrubbelt means more hobo looking lol)
9. Robert Pattinson asks back, "What do you think the movie version of 'Cosmopolis'?"
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Rob talks about Kristen, Cannes and more with ELLE Brazil!
He says he couldn’t have found a “more perfect” girl than Kristen. “She understands exactly how I feel. She is an ambitious woman who wants to grow as an actress. She has an excellent radar for what is good and challenges me constantly.”
Named Robsten by the media – like Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) – , the couple went through the emotion and the craziness of having a movie each competing for the Golden Palm at the last Cannes Festival. He was competing with Cosmopolis, and she with Walter Salles’ On The Road. “Someone made a joke about us being adversaries, which would be insane.” Pattinson admits that he got “a little jealous” when Kristen told him about being at the french event – the selection of Cosmopolis wasn’t a done deal yet. “In the end, it was amazing to have each other’s support. Her presence at the gala screening of the movie made me really nervous. She was sitting in front of me. I kept looking at the back of her neck, trying to find out if she was liking the movie or not. (laughs). I only calmed down when, at the end, Kristen told me she loved it.”
*UPDATED with the full interview thnks to RPLife*
He could have a huge ego. British actor Robert Pattnson is one of the highest paid in Hollywood - just in the last year, he earned $26,5M according to Forbes. The blue eyed guy has a legion of rabid fans, that follow him everywhere, and to add to that, he has been getting offers from acclaimed filmmakers. An example is the Canadian David Cronenberg, that directed him in Cosmopolis - the movie was in competition for the Palm D'Or in Cannes and will be released in Brazil in August. In person, however, Pattinson surprises for his humility and sense of humor. "All of a sudden, I left a ridiculous £500 paycheck and became a Hollywood star. And all of that happened without me proving anything." jokes the actor, that became famous all over the world with the Twilight saga, which started in 2008 and has made since then $2.5 billions.
Even after beating more that 3000 candidates for the part of the vampire Edward Cullen, Pattinson is the first to admit that the character never "demanded much effort". "The screenwriters did the best they could, but there isn't a lot to do when the guy never changes" says the actor, a lot more excited about what the movies brought to his life than making them. "I know that I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Twilight. But from now on I want to overcome my insecurities as an actor, even if it means to take risks and make mistakes."
The first part from this new phase is Eric Packer, the finance genius that he plays in Cosmopolis. Adaptated from Don DeLillo book, the futuristic drama follows the day of the ruthless billionaire that faces an existential crisis by putting his fortune in danger. With all the classic weirdness of a Cronenberg movie, most of the scenes are set inside a limousine, in which Pattinson's character gets many visits - including prostitutes, doctors and financial analysts. "I confess that, when I read the script, I thought about saying no to the offer. I didn't want to look like a coward, but I couldn't understand anything. I felt an enormous potential for failure, especially because my character talks nonstop", he says laughing. Fortunately, Cronenberg didn't care about the fact that the finance world didn't mean anything to Pattinson. The way that he felt alienated would work on his side - since his character isolates himself. "Only after, during filming, is when I understood that the script is about an absurd contention in the struggle for power. It's an apocalyptic story about capitalism."
During the movie, the protagonist reveals that deep down he's just trying to escape from himself - something that Pattinson can relate to. Since he became famous, the actor is chased by the media and fans. "I try not to think a lot about that and just do my job. My life is really weird. It's not as strange as my character's in Cosmopolis, but I feel just as claustrophobic as him sometimes.". Eric Packer even goes through a prostate exam in the limo. But the actor doesn't complain. At least Packer and his next roles go beyond the "good guy" of the story. "It's not easy to get around as the heartthrob for a long time. You need to be extremely self-confident, that's not my case. I don't think I'm attractive. I'm weird.", says Pattinson, that started acting when he was 15 at the Barnes Theatre Company to "meet girls".
In his current phase of acting in more cult projects, the actor plays in Bel Ami, based on the book by Guy de Maupassant, that will be released in Brazil in August, in the role of a seductive man with an obscure soul, that sleeps with women like Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas for money and power. In Mission: Blacklist, currently in pre-production, he's going to play Eric Maddox, who spearheaded the capture of Saddam Hussein. And in The Rover, also in pre-production, his character will be a mentally disturbed guy, that helps his brother in getting back a stolen car. "They are interesting parts for an actor like me, that still has a lot to learn."
Pattinson is also writing a script with his girlfriend, the actress Kristen Stewart, that he met during Twilight. "It's not for now. We're not going to hurry to work together again. We know it has to be a really great movie to explain a new partnership on screen. If not, they're going to crush us", he explains. He says he couldn’t have found a “more perfect” girl than Kristen. "She understands exactly how I feel. She is an ambitious woman who wants to grow as an actress. She has an excellent radar for what is good and challenges me constantly."
Named Robsten by the media – like Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) – , the couple went through the emotion and the craziness of having a movie competing for the Palm D'Or at the latest Cannes Festival. He was competing with Cosmopolis, and she with Walter Salles’ On The Road. "Someone made a joke about us being adversaries, which would be insane.” Pattinson admits that he got "a little jealous" when Kristen told him about being at the French event – Cosmopolis' selection wasn't confirmed yet. "In the end, it was amazing to have each other’s support. Her presence at the gala screening of the movie made me really nervous. She was sitting in front of me. I kept looking at the back of her neck, trying to find out if she was liking the movie or not (laughs). I only relaxed when, at the end, Kristen told me she loved it.”
He says he couldn’t have found a “more perfect” girl than Kristen. “She understands exactly how I feel. She is an ambitious woman who wants to grow as an actress. She has an excellent radar for what is good and challenges me constantly.”
Named Robsten by the media – like Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) – , the couple went through the emotion and the craziness of having a movie each competing for the Golden Palm at the last Cannes Festival. He was competing with Cosmopolis, and she with Walter Salles’ On The Road. “Someone made a joke about us being adversaries, which would be insane.” Pattinson admits that he got “a little jealous” when Kristen told him about being at the french event – the selection of Cosmopolis wasn’t a done deal yet. “In the end, it was amazing to have each other’s support. Her presence at the gala screening of the movie made me really nervous. She was sitting in front of me. I kept looking at the back of her neck, trying to find out if she was liking the movie or not. (laughs). I only calmed down when, at the end, Kristen told me she loved it.”
*UPDATED with the full interview thnks to RPLife*

He could have a huge ego. British actor Robert Pattnson is one of the highest paid in Hollywood - just in the last year, he earned $26,5M according to Forbes. The blue eyed guy has a legion of rabid fans, that follow him everywhere, and to add to that, he has been getting offers from acclaimed filmmakers. An example is the Canadian David Cronenberg, that directed him in Cosmopolis - the movie was in competition for the Palm D'Or in Cannes and will be released in Brazil in August. In person, however, Pattinson surprises for his humility and sense of humor. "All of a sudden, I left a ridiculous £500 paycheck and became a Hollywood star. And all of that happened without me proving anything." jokes the actor, that became famous all over the world with the Twilight saga, which started in 2008 and has made since then $2.5 billions.
Even after beating more that 3000 candidates for the part of the vampire Edward Cullen, Pattinson is the first to admit that the character never "demanded much effort". "The screenwriters did the best they could, but there isn't a lot to do when the guy never changes" says the actor, a lot more excited about what the movies brought to his life than making them. "I know that I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Twilight. But from now on I want to overcome my insecurities as an actor, even if it means to take risks and make mistakes."
The first part from this new phase is Eric Packer, the finance genius that he plays in Cosmopolis. Adaptated from Don DeLillo book, the futuristic drama follows the day of the ruthless billionaire that faces an existential crisis by putting his fortune in danger. With all the classic weirdness of a Cronenberg movie, most of the scenes are set inside a limousine, in which Pattinson's character gets many visits - including prostitutes, doctors and financial analysts. "I confess that, when I read the script, I thought about saying no to the offer. I didn't want to look like a coward, but I couldn't understand anything. I felt an enormous potential for failure, especially because my character talks nonstop", he says laughing. Fortunately, Cronenberg didn't care about the fact that the finance world didn't mean anything to Pattinson. The way that he felt alienated would work on his side - since his character isolates himself. "Only after, during filming, is when I understood that the script is about an absurd contention in the struggle for power. It's an apocalyptic story about capitalism."
During the movie, the protagonist reveals that deep down he's just trying to escape from himself - something that Pattinson can relate to. Since he became famous, the actor is chased by the media and fans. "I try not to think a lot about that and just do my job. My life is really weird. It's not as strange as my character's in Cosmopolis, but I feel just as claustrophobic as him sometimes.". Eric Packer even goes through a prostate exam in the limo. But the actor doesn't complain. At least Packer and his next roles go beyond the "good guy" of the story. "It's not easy to get around as the heartthrob for a long time. You need to be extremely self-confident, that's not my case. I don't think I'm attractive. I'm weird.", says Pattinson, that started acting when he was 15 at the Barnes Theatre Company to "meet girls".
In his current phase of acting in more cult projects, the actor plays in Bel Ami, based on the book by Guy de Maupassant, that will be released in Brazil in August, in the role of a seductive man with an obscure soul, that sleeps with women like Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas for money and power. In Mission: Blacklist, currently in pre-production, he's going to play Eric Maddox, who spearheaded the capture of Saddam Hussein. And in The Rover, also in pre-production, his character will be a mentally disturbed guy, that helps his brother in getting back a stolen car. "They are interesting parts for an actor like me, that still has a lot to learn."
Pattinson is also writing a script with his girlfriend, the actress Kristen Stewart, that he met during Twilight. "It's not for now. We're not going to hurry to work together again. We know it has to be a really great movie to explain a new partnership on screen. If not, they're going to crush us", he explains. He says he couldn’t have found a “more perfect” girl than Kristen. "She understands exactly how I feel. She is an ambitious woman who wants to grow as an actress. She has an excellent radar for what is good and challenges me constantly."
Named Robsten by the media – like Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) – , the couple went through the emotion and the craziness of having a movie competing for the Palm D'Or at the latest Cannes Festival. He was competing with Cosmopolis, and she with Walter Salles’ On The Road. "Someone made a joke about us being adversaries, which would be insane.” Pattinson admits that he got "a little jealous" when Kristen told him about being at the French event – Cosmopolis' selection wasn't confirmed yet. "In the end, it was amazing to have each other’s support. Her presence at the gala screening of the movie made me really nervous. She was sitting in front of me. I kept looking at the back of her neck, trying to find out if she was liking the movie or not (laughs). I only relaxed when, at the end, Kristen told me she loved it.”
Kiowa Gordon talks Kristen & Rob's interaction with Mackenzie Foy!
Kiowa attended the Summer with the Stars event at Aventura Cove Palace in Riviera Maya, Mexico and filled us in on what Kristen and Rob were like interacting with their on-screen Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy.
"They were cute! It was like a cute little family," Kiowa told OK! on the red carpet of the All-Star concert at the soon-to-be Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya. "You know when you have your first-born? Well Renesmee immediately grows up to be five! That usual happens, right?" he joked.
"It was cool. I don’t really know, because I don’t have a little child, but it was cute to watch Rob and Kristen with her," Kiowa said of the on and off-screen lovebirds. "We were all like ‘Ah, there’s a kid on set!’ You got to act like a parent."
"It was cool. I don’t really know, because I don’t have a little child, but it was cute to watch Rob and Kristen with her," Kiowa said of the on and off-screen lovebirds. "We were all like ‘Ah, there’s a kid on set!’ You got to act like a parent."
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Rob, Kristen, Mackenzie & BD2 cast confirmed to attend Comic Con 2012!
Edward Cullen and Bella Swan have a lot on their plate at the moment, not the least of which is making sure their newborn daughter Renesmee is kept safe from the incoming forces of the Volturi. (Can't someone just explain that she's not an immortal child? Feels like a simple, diplomatic exchange might spare everyone some bloodshed, no?) But even with a very busy schedule on their hands, your favorite vampires and their closest friends would never leave you hanging where Comic-Con is concerned.
Consider it official, then: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are coming to Comic-Con! Summit Entertainment announced today (July 3) that the on-screen Edward and Bella will be at the San Diego show for a "Breaking Dawn" press conference held at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Thursday (July 12). Start lining up now, "Twilight" fans!
Joining Pattinson and Stewart are plenty of your other favorite "Twilight" stars, including Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz. Also along for the ride is newcomer Mackenzie Foy, starring in "Breaking Dawn" as young half-vampire Renesmee.
Directed by Bill Condon, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2" brings the epic love story of Edward and Bella to an end. After numerous fits and starts in their romance, the two are now married and the proud parents of little Renesmee. Not only is Bella a new wife and mother, she's also a new vampire, too; Edward turned her during childbirth, saving her life in the process.
But what should be a very happy ending has a very serious hurtle to overcome: the Volturi have been lied to, and they now believe that Renesmee is an immortal child, a highly volatile and uncontrollable form of vampire. Dead set in their beliefs, the Volturi are coming to kill baby Renesmee — and the Cullens must stop them before it's too late.
"Breaking Dawn -- Part 2" hits theaters on November 16, 2012.
Consider it official, then: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are coming to Comic-Con! Summit Entertainment announced today (July 3) that the on-screen Edward and Bella will be at the San Diego show for a "Breaking Dawn" press conference held at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Thursday (July 12). Start lining up now, "Twilight" fans!
Joining Pattinson and Stewart are plenty of your other favorite "Twilight" stars, including Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz. Also along for the ride is newcomer Mackenzie Foy, starring in "Breaking Dawn" as young half-vampire Renesmee.
Directed by Bill Condon, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2" brings the epic love story of Edward and Bella to an end. After numerous fits and starts in their romance, the two are now married and the proud parents of little Renesmee. Not only is Bella a new wife and mother, she's also a new vampire, too; Edward turned her during childbirth, saving her life in the process.
But what should be a very happy ending has a very serious hurtle to overcome: the Volturi have been lied to, and they now believe that Renesmee is an immortal child, a highly volatile and uncontrollable form of vampire. Dead set in their beliefs, the Volturi are coming to kill baby Renesmee — and the Cullens must stop them before it's too late.
"Breaking Dawn -- Part 2" hits theaters on November 16, 2012.
Rob's new nterview with Welt Online!
Translation by Google
Berlin (DAPD). Actor Robert Pattinson has previously kept away because of self-doubt ambitious roles. "I have now signed up for many projects that last year I would have thought that I wasn't good enough for them as an actor," said the "Twilight" actor to DAPD news in Berlin. The turning point was the drama "Cosmopolis," that recently was in competition at the Cannes Festival.
"As an actor, if you are invited to Cannes, you see yourself in a different light," said the 26-year-old Briton. His response: "Maybe I can make really cool movies."
After nude scenes in the period drama "Bel Ami", Pattinson had in "Cosmopolis" for director David Cronenberg drop the cases. "I'm always very inhibited, because I'm English," confessed the actor. "Everyone else always feels so comfortable in their own skin on sex scenes. I'm the one that falls into a panic." Trust it to the director, it would be easier. "If you shoot a movie you don't really like, you feel yourself just a little like a prostitute."
In the film adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel "Cosmopolis," Pattinson plays a financial shark who is personally and professionally before the crash. The film will be on Thursday (5 July).
Berlin (DAPD). Actor Robert Pattinson has previously kept away because of self-doubt ambitious roles. "I have now signed up for many projects that last year I would have thought that I wasn't good enough for them as an actor," said the "Twilight" actor to DAPD news in Berlin. The turning point was the drama "Cosmopolis," that recently was in competition at the Cannes Festival.
"As an actor, if you are invited to Cannes, you see yourself in a different light," said the 26-year-old Briton. His response: "Maybe I can make really cool movies."
After nude scenes in the period drama "Bel Ami", Pattinson had in "Cosmopolis" for director David Cronenberg drop the cases. "I'm always very inhibited, because I'm English," confessed the actor. "Everyone else always feels so comfortable in their own skin on sex scenes. I'm the one that falls into a panic." Trust it to the director, it would be easier. "If you shoot a movie you don't really like, you feel yourself just a little like a prostitute."
In the film adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel "Cosmopolis," Pattinson plays a financial shark who is personally and professionally before the crash. The film will be on Thursday (5 July).
Monday, July 2, 2012
New interview of Rob with Online Focus (Germany)!
Full article/translation
"Acting has nothing to do with the brain, it exists for thousands of years already. And it is only since the 50s, since Lee Strasberg, that it became analytical," the 26-year-old said to FOCUS. "Actors need a voice and a face – and maybe balls," said the Briton, who lives in Hollywood.
In his new film “Cosmopolis”, on the 5th of July in the German cinemas, Pattinson embodies a multi-billion punters. Personally, the young multi-millionaire has no experience with financial investment, or fund shares.
He spends his money on "completely silly things like dog food" told Pattinson. "Or for telephone bills. I never get a European cell phone when I’m here. And then suddenly I have to pay $20,000."
"Acting has nothing to do with the brain, it exists for thousands of years already. And it is only since the 50s, since Lee Strasberg, that it became analytical," the 26-year-old said to FOCUS. "Actors need a voice and a face – and maybe balls," said the Briton, who lives in Hollywood.
In his new film “Cosmopolis”, on the 5th of July in the German cinemas, Pattinson embodies a multi-billion punters. Personally, the young multi-millionaire has no experience with financial investment, or fund shares.
He spends his money on "completely silly things like dog food" told Pattinson. "Or for telephone bills. I never get a European cell phone when I’m here. And then suddenly I have to pay $20,000."
Rob & David Cronenberg to do a Q&A on August 15th in NYC!
Don't miss award-winning director-writer-producer David Croenberg ('A Dangereous Method', 'A History of Violence' ' Eastern Promises') and actor Robert Pattinson ('The Twilight Saga' 'Water For Elephants'). Their new film 'Cosmopolis', based on the novel by Don DeLillo, debuted at the Cannes Film Festival and opens in New York on August 17.
When: Wednesday, August 15 - 6:30PM - 8:00PM
Where: The Times center - 242 West 41st St. NYC
When: Wednesday, August 15 - 6:30PM - 8:00PM
Where: The Times center - 242 West 41st St. NYC
Tickets are sold out!
Rob's interview with Cicero Online!
Google Translation
Mr. Pattinson as Eric Packer is leaving once his aura, his limo, and now he is attacked with a cake. Was there a similar moment in your career?
Strangely, I have a similar scene in "Water for Elephants" shot. But otherwise, no, not that I know of. Maybe in a metaphorical sense ...
No aggressive paparazzi and overzealous fans?
No, that has been trusted no one. Thank God that would have otherwise had a bad injury.
Strangely, I have a similar scene in "Water for Elephants" shot. But otherwise, no, not that I know of. Maybe in a metaphorical sense ...
No aggressive paparazzi and overzealous fans?
No, that has been trusted no one. Thank God that would have otherwise had a bad injury.
How would you describe your character in the movie?
Eric Packer is a man who looks at the whole world very abstract, himself, his body, his fellow men. He wears egomaniacal trains and lives in its deepest interior withdrawn, in a world where there is not the actual reality. Throughout the film, he finally tries to regain control of his body, about himself, until he gives up completely at the end.
*More under the cut*
Eric Packer is a man who looks at the whole world very abstract, himself, his body, his fellow men. He wears egomaniacal trains and lives in its deepest interior withdrawn, in a world where there is not the actual reality. Throughout the film, he finally tries to regain control of his body, about himself, until he gives up completely at the end.
*More under the cut*
Rob talks about Mission: Blacklist + New pics from the Berlin premiere!
Question: Hi! One of your next projects is Mission:Blacklist. What made you choose this role and are you really going to scout locations in Iraq?
Robert Pattinson: I read the script. I thought the script…I didn’t even realize that the script was a real story and then they told me it was a true story. I met Eric Maddox who it’s based on. He’s one of the most fascinating people I have ever met and the story’s amazing. We’re looking into Iraq, I mean he was there, I mean it’s quite difficult obviously to go there, but I think it would be a good thing to do to go and start… you know.
Question: Hi! One of your next projects is Mission:Blacklist. What made you choose this role and are you really going to scout locations in Iraq?
Robert Pattinson: I read the script. I thought the script…I didn’t even realize that the script was a real story and then they told me it was a true story. I met Eric Maddox who it’s based on. He’s one of the most fascinating people I have ever met and the story’s amazing. We’re looking into Iraq, I mean he was there, I mean it’s quite difficult obviously to go there, but I think it would be a good thing to do to go and start… you know.
And a few photos from the Berlin premiere
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